Angel: Blood And Trenches (2009)
Fiction Review by The Gravedigger
Story and Art by John Byrne
This four issue ANGEL comic tie-in, which takes place during World War 1, is interesting, though it feels "unfinished". Angel, who is still coping with now having a soul, battles his thirst for blood. He's captured by some Nazi vampires who are led by an old vampire named Kakistos. This villain has these nasty-looking three fingered monster hands. Angel is helped by Colonel Wyndham-Price. The characters and their actions are all true to Joss Whedon's created Universe.
However, all of the artwork is black and white pencils. The only color is the blood, which is a cool idea that doesn't quite work. I kept on wondering where the book's inker went off too.... Also, the ending falls to predictability by introducing a young Hitler, which actually made me groan.
Rating: nan out of 10.0 - votes cast total