Fiction Review by The Gravedigger
author: Jeremy Robinson
The premise of this disaster/supernatural novel is that the Earth's crust has shifted and along with it the North and South Poles, so that much of the inhabited world becomes uninhabitable, either freezing or frying the populace. But Antarctica rapidly thaws out and the nations of the world vie to claim the land as their own. They set up a contest--and the three countries to reach the center of the continent first are the ones who get to colonize it. However, with the rapid thawing and regeneration of this land come dangers--such as these allosaur-type dinosaurs and a race of giants called the Nephilim. They are the offspring of fallen angels and humans--and are the basis for all the pagan gods that people have worshipped throughout the years.
The main characters are a scientist and his dog, who are already in frozen Antarctica when the change happens, his bi-racial daughter, Mirabelle, and the American team of soldiers who are out to win the race to the center of the land and claim it for their country. Once they encounter the giants, however, they are only concerned about survival.
ANTARKTOS RISING is a well-written book and there's plenty of action and poses an interesting premise. However, it's the heavy-handed religious aspect and message of the book that is a turn-off, particularly that everything in the bible, including Noah and the flood, is true, "because the bible tells me so..." blah blah blah. The author tries to unsuccessfully blend this with scientific fact, by saying that all the animals on Noah's ark
evolved into the animals we have today....in the brief span of 12,000 years, but in this instance I don't think you can have your cake and eat it, too.
Granted, it's a given that the author may not necessarily believe what his characters believe but there's such a pervading smugness about this belief system that one can't help but think otherwise. And nothing in the book is resolved and remains wide open for a sequel!
Rating: nan out of 10.0 - votes cast total