Darkness On The Edge Of Town (2010)
Fiction Review by The Gravedigger
Author Briane Keene does it again. He's written another highly entertaining "end of the world" novel that left me wanting more. Although the event is worldwide, as in THE RISING, DEAD SEA and THE CONQUEROR WORMS, it take place in the town of Walden, Virginia.
One day the inhabitants wake up to find that it's still night outside and that there's this impenetrable darkness beyond the town limits. Some people just shrug it off to "weird weather" and drive to work. They never return. There is also no electricity, running water, tv or radio or cell phone reception. The town is utterly isolated from the outside world.
But our protagonist Robbie Higgins discovers that the world may no longer be there. He runs into the town's only homeless guy, Dez, who says that he's the one who saved the town from "He Who Shall Not Be Named". He had drawn symbols around the town which is holding the darkness at bay. But it can still influence people by magnifying their darker emotions and soon people are doing horrific things to one another. There's also Robbie's girlfriend, Christy, who is simply concerned with getting her next high and Russ, the downstairs neighbor, Russ, who has some guns and helps protect them.
Sure, this type of story has been done before, from that old OUTER LIMITS episode where a town is transported to another planet to Stephen King's THE MIST (which a character in this story acknowledges) and here it's done well. I also like that Keene is starting to make some connections between his other books, which is explained here.
I read this book in two days. Highly recommended.
Author: Brian Keene
Rating: nan out of 10.0 - votes cast total