Doctor Who: The Whispering Gallery (2009)
Fiction Review by The Gravedigger
story by Leah Moore and John Reppion
art by Ben Templesmith
Finally, a comic in which I like Ben Templesmith's artwork. His depictions of The Doctor and Martha Jones look almost like photographs.
This one-shot comic has the duo visiting a place called The Whispering Gallery on an alien planet. It consists of paintings of aliens who have died--and when you approach the painting the person's regrets/feelings are expressed, as they did not behave emotionally in real-life. The doctor had been to this planet before and befriended a female alien who did express her emotions--and he gave her a lift to a different star system. he's shocked, however, to find out that she returned to her homeworld and is now dead. But there's a reason---and a reason why the inhabitants of this planet keep their feelings in check.
This is an excellent Doctor Who story and well captures the voices of the characters.
Rating: nan out of 10.0 - votes cast total