This three issue comic series begins in Louisiana, with an African-American named Mose Freeman who shows up at a couple's home. They are having a supernatural problem with their son, Billy, and Mose discovers it's because of some seriously strong voodoo. Mose is killed by a huge snake creature but before he dies he hands them a card which has the name and phone number of Alabaster Graves. He is a driver for the dead. But he's not just a hearse driver. This guy knows his supernatural foes. In fact, when we're first introduced to him he's transporting a coffin that contains someone who was bitten by a vampire. Some grave robbers interrupt what he has to do and the bloodsucker kills them all before Graves slays the vampire.
Graves gets the job of transporting Freeman's body back to New Orleans. He's accompanied by the man's great-granddaughter who seems to not believe in any of this mumbo jumbo. But they are being pursued by a supernatural being, Fallow, who is able to utilize other people's body parts. For example, he kills a blind guy who is a seer and takes his eyes. Fallow is a creepy, formidable villain and just why he wants Mose's body is eventually explained.
I enjoyed this as much as Radical's FEDERAL VAMPIRE AND ZOMBIE AGENCY from last year. What I like about these graphic novels is that they are very cinematic. I felt like I watched a movie.