In the first issue, the President of the United States is taping a live message for a historic summit meeting for a treaty between the U.S, China and Russia--and Snake Plisken switches the cassette tape that's playing music, making him look like a jackass to the whole world. He stops his speech. He's pissed and revokes Snake's pardon (for accomplishing his mission in the movie). Now enemy #1 again he steals a jeep, then hijacks a helicopter. They shoot him down over the New Jersey Pine Barrens but he survives. Snake hitches a ride from a woman and listens to the news on the radio, which says that Russia and China are going to sign a peace treaty between just their countries, leaving the US out. He continues heading South and gets another ride from a group of oddly dressed people in a trailer who are "On a mission from their God" and are heading to Florida, which they think is the only true nation left on the planet. Basically, Florida has been left to its own for the past six years and they want to officially secede. They want Snake to lead them there, since it may be chaos. This doesn't matter because the guys hold up a gas station--and Snake leaves them before the police arrive. He steals an SUV--and the woman, Jayne, goes along with him. He finally agrees to go to Florida because it's the one place the United States Police Force can't get to him at. But at the border they have to go through "the Crucible", which determines if they are worthy or not to enter. It's a test for fighting and agility. He makes it through and they want to assign him a job, which he doesn't want. As the guards are about to execute him the "Twins" show up, Romulus and Remus, who run The Free Republic of Florida. They are teenagers.
In the second issue, the twins take Snake to Jacksonville, the new capital. They explain that they have some nuclear bombs they got from Cuba, leftover from the 60's Cuban Missile Crisis, and that they want to invade America, with him as the leader. He says "no", and tries to escape. He's stopped by their mountainous mother, Meemaw, who used to wrestle alligators. He gets knocked out and taken to the brig, which inside four welded subs half a mile underwater. The other "traitors" look to him as a hero but he simply wants to leave, so he plans an escape by using the old torpedo hatches. Only he and a kid named Erick make it--and Erick takes him to his people, who live out in the swamp. It's a temporary reprieve, though, because the Florida army tracks them down. Now, Snake finally agrees to help them, though they are outnumbered. To prevent them all from being killed he gives himself up and they take him away...
The first two issues of this new series from BOOM! successfully captures the feel of both ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK and ESCAPE FROM L.A, and fills us in on some of the events that happened to Snake Plissken in between. If you're a fan of the movies you will love this series. Highly recommended.