Jason vs Leatherface (1995)
Fiction Review by The Gravedigger
Chronologically, this seems to take place after Part Six. Crystal lake has been polluted from a nearby factory and the contaminated sludge is hauled off to an area in rural Texas by train. Of course, this hunk of mud contains the sunken body of Jason Vorhees. A homeless guy, who is train hopping, is slain by Jason, as is his dog. He then goes on to kill the train's drivers, causing a huge crash, which he walks away from. He finds himself in Sawyerville, "Home of the Best Bar-B-Que in Texas" and soon comes across a potential victim running through the woods, who is being chased by Leatherface and one of his brothers. The two serial killers clash, Leatherface with is chainsaw, Jason with his machete. It ends with Jason knocking the chainsaw out of Leatherface's hands-and killing the victim instead. There's a truce-and the brothers invite him back to their old home in the country. He's made to feel welcome and he can relate to Leatherface, as he's also a deformed person. It makes him think about his past at Crystal Lake. Yet, the more they try to make him "one of the boys" and include him in the family business since they think he's a kindred spirit, the more he understands they're an abusive, dysfunctional family. So when he attacks them, Leatherface,caught up in it all, protects them against Jason since he doesn't know any better. For the second time, there's a battle, which puts him in a familiar situation.
This is an extremely entertaining cross-over with two horror icons, maintaining the feel of both series. What's really interesting is the essay by Nancy Collins at the end of issue three, in which she says she's not a fan of the FRIDAY THE 13th films- yet still managed to make it an excellent Jason/Friday the 13th tale. Recommended.
Written By Nancy Collins
Artist: Jeff Butler
Rating: nan out of 10.0 - votes cast total