This prequel to the much awaited Disney film, JOHN CARTER, begins with Tars Tarkas telling John Carter a story, as they ride on their thoats across the desert. The story takes place years before, in the city of Zodanga. The prince, Sab Than, disrespects his father and is banished outside for a week. He's pissed. Then the story goes to Tars Tarkas and how he met the mother of his child. He's with his friend, Tal, who wants to defeat a Thark legend by the name of Gothan. Tarkas thinks his friend is nuts. On the journey they are met up by the female, Loas. Meanwhile, Sab Than manages to break into Dejah Thoris' chambers in the city of Helium and kidnaps her, only to crash his flyer in the desert. He encounters a deadly dust storm while the three Tharks encounter one of the giant white, four-armed apes. Eventually the two storyl ines converge, when there's an encounter with the more violent Green Martians, the Warhoon.
I enjoyed this graphic novel, though there are some differences from the Edgar Rice Burroughs novels, particularly in regard to Tars Tarkas and Loas and how he became ruler of the Tharks. And, of course, the depictions of the characters, animals and ships are as portrayed in the movie. Recommended.