Fiction Review by The Gravedigger
Author: Gary A. Braunbeck
I both look forward to and dread reading a Braunbeck book. I look forward to reading it because I know I'll be entertained and creeped out and treated to a truly original yarn, yet at the same time don't look forward to the emotional despair he provokes with what his characters are going through. What he did for dead children in IN SILENT GRAVES, he does here for lost pets and lost loves.
Gil Stewart has been thinking about his best-friend/girlfriend Beth, who he hadn't
seen in years. When he comes back to town these feelings and memories are only intensified. Then, he witnesses the death of an old man, who says to him 'The Keepers are coming', before he dies. And these Keepers, who resemble your typical 'MIBs' (MEN IN BLACK) have something to do with the weird way in which local pets start behaving. Gil starts to piece together what's going on and it's something totally surreal and unexpected. I know I'm being a bit vague with this review but I don't want to give away the gist of the story, as the best way to approach this author's writings is to just dive in.
Available from Leisure books at www.dorchesterpub.com
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