Fiction Review by The Gravedigger
writer: Brandon Jerwa
artist: Carlos Rafael
This comic tells the origin story of The Highlander's greatest enemy, The Kurgan, who he had slain in the very first movie. It begins in 904 B.C. on the Russian Steppes, where a young boy is almost drowned in a flood. he's rescued by a violent tribe and sort of adopted by a couple, though the guy tries to kill him. However, he turns the tables very quickly and kills the man in a very horrible way. The people of that particular tribe call themselves The Kurgan and that's the name he adopts for himself.
Then, as an adult we see him in with a gang of thieves near the Mediterranean. This is when he dies for the first time. he's found by and taken in by a rich man by the name of Saif Al-Rashid, who teaches him about the immortals, "the Gathering" and that "There can only be One".
The story is true to the source material and I always find prequels interesting. If you're a HIGHLANDER fan then this is something you definitely want to pick up.
From www.dynamiteentertainment.com
Rating: nan out of 10.0 - votes cast total