This one-shot re-imagining of the Gold Key comic is just okay. It establishes that a race of alien robots tried to enslave humanity but mankind won. Now, a thousand years later, they are trying again. Magnus, who was raised by A-1 is now the leader of Earth. And the robots who are trying to take over are identical to living humans, which make them harder to detect. The main plot involves him, his love interest Senator Leeja Cane, and her father, who gets made into a cyborg. In the end it looks like Magnus is killed and ironically, it looks like that he may be a cyborg as well.
This book is a little too different than the Magnus I'm familiar with and I was a little put off by having to read a page of text that explains the set-up for the current storyline. If you want to experience Magnus, pick up the Gold Key reprints or the new interpretation by Dynamite! comics.