The first issue of Boom!'s comic series begins with the beginning of World War III, then goes to two thousand years later where a balding ape guns down a few gorilla soldiers and breaks into a guarded area. It looks like the same control room in the first scene, with human skeletons strewn about. He fires the missile--which is aimed for the moon. Meanwhile, student Cornelius, who is working on this final thesis to become an anthropologist, is furious that he can't get a human carcass to study-and it's because of Prisca's anti-vivesection society. We learn that Dr Zaius has a wife and a pregnant daughter as well.
The moon explodes, causing a fire in the nearby countryside, and begins raining fragments down on ape city. Lots of apes are killed. It's an interesting tale as it continues the story from EXILE ON THE PLANET ON THE PLANET OF THE APES and bridges the first movie. I'm guessing this is 5-10 years before Taylor crash lands.
Written By Corinna Bechko & Garbriel Hardman, Art By Damian Couceiro