Fiction Review by The Gravedigger
Author: John Varley
Hugo and Nebula Award-winning author John Varley continues to surprise me. In MAMMOTH we were treated to a fun time-travel story and in his newest, RED THUNDER, he tells the story of a unique space-race. The United State's ARES SEVEN ship, bound for Mars, is lost, so it looks like the Chinese will be the first to set foot on the Red Planet. That is, everyone believes this except for a group of seven individuals building their own spaceship in an abandoned Daytona warehouse. They are constructing a ship out of old taker cars, determination - and a newly discovered power source is the way they are going to get there. Well, it kind of sounds dumb - like that 70's television show SALVAGE ONE (where Andy Griffith and crew build their own spaceship and go to the moon), yet Varley is able to convincingly pull this off. It's so entertaining a page-turner that I read the whole 411 pages in two days. In fact, the sequel, RED LIGHTNING just hit the bookstores I think I'm going to have a couple missing days there
Rating: nan out of 10.0 - votes cast total