This is consistent with IDW's comic series, which has presented alternate reality versions of the original series' five-year mission adventures. Here, Kirk and Spock become embroiled in a conflict involving a pre-warp species on the planet Phaedus. Their shuttle is fired upon by advanced weaponry and they crash land. Sulu is injured. It's here they encounter Robert April, a former captain of the Enterprise, who is supposed to be dead. He wants the Enterprise to help him protect one of the indigenous species, who are being slaughtered by the "Shadows", who want to eradicate them. It seems that the Shadows have been supplied technologically advanced weapons by the Klingons, namely Commander Kor, and April wants to make things even. And there's also the appearance by a woman by the name of Mudd, who is the daughter of you-know-who...
This is an entertaining tale that flips some original Star Trek events around--and definitely sets the tone for the recent Star Trek movie. Recommended.