Star Trek Titan: Over A Torrent Sea (2009)
Fiction Review by The Gravedigger
author: Christopher L. Bennett
After the events of the devastating Borg War that killed billions of lives the Starship Titan , captained by William T. Riker, resumes its original mission to explore new worlds and new civilizations. The President of the Federation believes this will give people hope, that the Federations ideals are still being pursued while everyone recovers.
The crew of the Titan come to a planet made almost entirely of water and name it Droplet. There, they find some very strange lifeforms, including the "Squales", which look like a whale cross bred with a giant squid. Around the same time the ship detects a huge asteroid that is set to collide with the planet and they try to destroy it before it hits. Unfortunately it only cracks in a few pieces and absorbs all the energy that was used to try to destroy it. The asteroid crashes into the ocean planet and begins to poison its ecosystem. Meanwhile, Captain Riker and the amphibious crewman Lavena become trapped on the planet, held by the Squales, who turn out to be highly intelligent. This is complicated by the fact that Riker and Lavena had a brief sexual relationship over twenty years ago, before he met Troi. All of their technology is biological and they can't understand the use of inanimate objects.While all this is happening Riker's wife, Dianna Troi, is about to give birth to their first child--and she's kidnapped by the saurian Dr. Ree, the ships doctor, who says he'll protect the baby at all costs. The veloceraptor-like alien takes them to a nearby pre-warp planet that will be able to help in her delivery. Tuvok and his security team are dispatched to recover them.
What I like about these TITAN books is that unlike any of the television series, they can include a wide variety of truly alien species, many of them actual crew members. And since the whole "Next Generation" universe now only exists in print without the possibility of any more movies, the sky is wide open for such storylines as this.
Rating: nan out of 10.0 - votes cast total