At Starfleet Campus, the cadets play "The Assassination Game" for fun. It puts Kirk against hims nemesis, Finnegan, and "Bones" McCoy ends up falling for a girl for the first time since his divorce. But while this is happening, a real assassination attempt arises--and it appears as if the visiting Varkolak, an alien species that resembles werewolves--are to blame. Meanwhile, cadet Uhura gets recruited by Spock to join--and infitrate-- the Graviton Society, a secret society that influences Starfleet and The Federation from the shadows. And cadet Sulu finally makes an appearance in this series.
What I like about these novels, which take place in the alternate timeline of the recent J.J. Abrams STAR TREK, is that they acknowledge the other Star Trek series and incidents that have gone before it. The Varkolak bring to mind the Kzinti of the Star Trek Animated Series and, of course, "The Graviton Society" is DEEP SPACE NINE's Section 31. An entertaining read.