Fiction Review by The Gravedigger
Author: James F. David
THUNDER OF TIME is the sequel/follow-up to James David's best-selling and most popular book, FOOTPRINTS OF TIME. In that novel there was a time-disruption caused by nuclear testing that created a 'quilt' of the present and the Cretaceous. The entire world was put in disarray, as cities disappeared to be replaced by tropical forest teaming with dinosaurs.
It's a decade later and Nick Paulson, director of the newly formed Office of Security Science, discovers that the new time disruptions that are happening are being manipulated by someone - or something - and the key may be linked to the man-made structure that appeared on the moon during the first 'quilting'. Before the time-disruptions become worse than the first time he has to figure out what's going on.
A group heads off to the jungles of South America, to a pyramid surrounded by carnivorous dinosaurs and another group must stop some insane environmentalists from setting off several nuclear devices in Alaska. If these bombs go off it may trigger the time displacement affect even more.
The author has greatly improved in his writing and this sequel is a far better read than the first. It's a good time-travel book. However, it irritates me that the primary dinosaurs anyone ever encounters are the T-Rex and the Raptors. Okay, the fossil record only represents about 10% of the species that were living at the time, so let's come up with some possible DIFFERENT types of predators, not just the ones seen in the movie JURASSIC PARK.
Otherwise, this is an enjoyable time-travel book.
Rating: nan out of 10.0 - votes cast total