Ultimate Comics: Death of Spider-Man Prelude (2011)
Fiction Review by The Gravedigger
Sixteen-year-old Peter Parker is being held at S.H.I.E.L.D Headquarters while head honcho Carol Danvers explains that she doesn't know what to do with him as long as he continues to fight crime as Spider-man. He's costing the city far too much in collateral damage, adding up to millions of dollars every time he fights a super villain. This happens when he has a clash with a new villain named The Ringer. So Carol gets advice from Iron Man, Captain America and Thor, all of whom have very different opinions of Spiderman, and they each recount stories in which they "teamed up" with him. Carol shows up at Peter's home, with the backing of Aunt May, and gives him an ultimatum--After school superhero training. If he wants to be a superhero then he has to learn from the best. Iron Man likes him the best, Captain America wants to put him in jail, and Thor thinks he's a warrior.
We learn that Mysterio is after an artifact that the Kingpin had uncovered years before, which "Honors the request of the holder". He hires The Black Cat to steal it. The Kingpin viewed it as such a powerful weapon that he kept it locked up. In the wrong hands it could destroy the world. Now that it's in the wrong hands it could be a more destructive force than what happened in Ultimatum six months before...