Robert Elkins recently completed THE BACKWOODS, a homage to the 80's Slasher movies (see the review). I had a chance to briefly chat with him about his new movie...
Q: What first got you interested in independent filmmaking?
ROBERT: I've been a horror movie fan for life... ever since I was a kid. I grew up watching Godzilla and the old Universal Classics whenever you could catch them on TV back in highschool...we made a super 8 zombie was just so much fun...
Q: Is THE BACKWOODS more inspired by the "Classic" Slasher movies (FRIDAY THE 13th) or more by the recent group of remakes (HILLS HAVE EYES, CHAINSAW)? What are your influences as a filmmaker?
ROBERT: BACKWOODS is definitely not inspired by the recent movies...there is very little to be influenced by... I like 80's slasher movies... they were simple... basic... you take a group of good looking kids... a remote location...a masked killer...a bunch of tools or weapons... now some were really bad... don't get me wrong... but the current trend of torture movies is pathetic... FRIDAY THE 13TH (JASON) was a big was the original Leatherface...
Q: How long did the movie take to complete?
ROBERT: We worked on "BACKWOODS" on weekends and afternoons (sometimes only for a few hours at a time) over about a year. I edited as I shot and put everything together along the way...
Q: How did you cast your actors?
ROBERT: My actors, who were all really great to work with, were cast over the internet... through different casting sites... I posted a call about needing actors for a low budget movie and explained to need for locals to where we shot... due mainly to schedules and budget reasons... I think I got really lucky with everyone...
Q: In addition to writing/producing/directing, you also did the special effects, which I found were quite good. Why do everything yourself?
ROBERT: If you knew what my budget was you'd understand. I guess I also just like handling the various aspects. If something is screwed up I only have myself to blame...
Q: What was the most difficult & the easiest aspects of making the movie?
ROBERT: Difficult:: scheduling and shooting a feature in everyone's spare time... Easiest:: probably editing....
Q: How can people order a copy of the movie?
ROBERT: They can order directly from me:
Robert Elkins PO Box 2302 Chester, VA 23831 Check Or Mo For $13.00
Q: Are there any other projects you are working on right now?
ROBERT: Backwoods 2: the revenge of caleb. It is a direct sequel to the first one...I'm pretty much cast and have the script almost done... This time I cast almost entirely off of my space...A great resource... This one will follow the same formula of great slasher sequels... A bigger body count/ better, more gruesome effects/ more action/ and alot of twists... Alot of surprises...I plan to release a log of ongoing info as we shoot...