Q: You've been busy the past few years and also switched publishers. What's coming out?
I'm with Bantam now, who've done a nice job with several of my crossover suspense-supernatural crossovers like HEADSTONE CITY, THE DEAD LETTERS, and THE MIDNIGHT ROAD. My latest THE COLD SPOT though is a straight-up crime novel in the hardboiled/noir tradition.
Q: How different was the process of writing HELLBOY: EMERALD HELL, since you're writing for an already established character with certain expectations that go along with that?
I took my cue from Mike Mignola's earlier short HB stories, from THE CHAINED COFFIN in particular, where Hellboy was usually on his own, in a strange place, dealing with one particular type of menace. So in that regard, I was able to keep the story a bit more personal and pared down in scale without a lot of secondary characters or plot elements from the long and winding history of the character. I kept my focus directly on HB and was able to dig a little deeper and explore a bit further on an emotional level. I had to be careful to always be aware of just how strong and iconic the character is, and it was always in the front of my head that fans would have a lot of expectations for HB based on his past exploits. The process wasn't much different, but there was more pressure not to screw up.
Q: Are you going to do more work for Dark Horse? What about IDW?
I'd love to, but have no plans at the moment.
Q: THE MIDNIGHT ROAD is nominated for the International Thriller Writers Award, which is coming up in July. Is it good getting back to NYC?
It's always good to get back home, although it doesn't look like I'll be able to attend Thrillerfest this year, despite my really wanting to go. Just doesn't look like it'll be in the cards. But I deeply appreciate all the notice that the ITW has given me. It's a real honor considering how many major big gun names are involved with the organization and how many excellent books are always in the running.
Q: What is in the works for 2009?
A sequel to THE COLD SPOT will be out early next year called THE COLDEST MILE, a couple signed limited ediion novellas, and another novel that I'm currently about halfway through writing entitled SHADOW SEASON. And you never know, maybe one or two other projects will pop up.