Movie Review by The Gravedigger
This adaptation of Frank Miller's (SIN CITY) graphic novel, about three hundred Spartans at the battle of Thermopylae in 420 B.C., is an extremely violent and beautiful film.
Gerard Butler (DRACULA 2000, TOMB RAIDER 2) is perfectly cast as King Leonidas as is Lena Headey (THE CAVE, BROTHERS GRIM) as his stoic Queen. The special effects, particularly the scenes with the elephants and the charging Rhino are believable.
And although it's a longish movie at 117 minutes, the time flies by--and soon after leaving the movie theatre you'll probably have the urge to go out and buy a sword on ebay.
300 gets my highest recommendation as it's truly an amazing movie. I'm sure I'll see it a few more times in the next month.
Rating: 8.4 out of 10.0 - 15 votes cast total