Movie Review by The Gravedigger
A twenty-two year old guy is addicted to a new drug called JAX, which is explained at the beginning of the film is 100 times more addictive than heroin. That's pretty damn addictive (!!!!).
He has peaceful daydreams of being half-naked out in nature. The rest of the time he talks about the drug, about life, et cetera, in these long voice-overs that don't quite work. It's too scripted. Then, an old girlfriend named Jenny contacts him out of the blue and tells him that she's pregnant. There's also lots of heads around--- in one scene a deer head, in another a human head.
Some of the video effects work well, like the posterizing effects and these uneven visual strobes. Everyone who uses the drug also has these mutant infected arms, as if the filmmaker saw REQUIEM FOR A DREAM far too many times. I guess my biggest problem with THE ADDICT is that it seems like it's made by someone who never had a drug addiction-and that the script is based on an uninformed idea of what that's all about. The lead actor is also way too healthy looking-if he was addicted to something like super-heroin he'd look much more like a skeleton, not a well-fed Midwesterner. At a core level this thirty-minute film simply doesn't ring true.
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Rating: 6.6 out of 10.0 - 7 votes cast total