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Aftershock (2012)
Movie Review by The Mortician

Aftershock (2012) Eli Roth co-writes, produces and stars in this movie about some folks partying in Chile like it's 1999 (or maybe 2099 for the new century here) when an earthquake hits while they're in a club. Most of the group survives, but once they get out of the establishment, not only do they face the demolished surroundings, but hordes of looters-turned-psychos that run after them with rape and murder on their minds! Yes, one of the girls in the group is raped TWICE and after she's rescued by an ax-wielding friend, she's SHOT in the back by one of the crazies anyway! Meanwhile, a local jail's walls have fallen down in the quake and now there's escaped maniacs thrown into the mix... This is the kind of thing you get in AFTERSHOCK, which I really enjoyed. Although very low budget (in a shake the camera to simulate an earthquake kind of way), it's a neat mixture of ‘70's low budget disaster films like EARTHQUAKE, peppered with a dash of HOSTEL and THE WARRIORS. The first 30 minutes or so drag a bit, watching Roth and his pals sight-see and party in Chile while trying to pick up chicks, although there is a nice bit set up for later on with underground tunnels as a resting place for dead babies parented by priests and nuns at a big church. Nice payoff there! The gore is over the top once the quake hits, with everyone getting extremely bloody and you certainly won't be able to predict which characters survive the mayhem going down. There's plenty of spurting blood, dead bodies, stabbings, burnings, axings, and body parts being lopped off throughout the proceedings and more than a few twists---some that I saw coming, some I didn't. Ahhh, the ending, even though I saw it coming...it brought a wicked smile to my face! Downbeat and oppressive, just like all of Roth's movies, but there's no denying this one delivers on what it promises! Worth a stream!

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