Movie Review by The Undertaker
A.G. was one weird film. I can't decide if I liked or not, but I did stay awake through it which means something. Title character Alabama becomes a magician (and master of the cosmos if you will) through an interesting set of circumstances. Fame has a price even for magicians and he is soon being haunted by the ghost of the magician he's kinda emulating. Things meander strangely from there until films end where there's a vampire attack (not sure why Alabama's troop of friends turn on him, but anyway) on everyone attending Alabama's greatest show. You'll see some ugly vampire teethed peoples in purple grease paint make-up here and many other surreal strange images. Like I said, it was a weird fuckin' movie. Alabama reminded me of Rudy Ray Moore for some reason. The movie had that hokey kind of feel to it as well. Good luck finding this here one boys.
Rating: 5.3 out of 10.0 - 4 votes cast total