There's not much to say about this one. "Alice in Murderland" is your sub-standard low-budget modern slasher that appears to do all it can to look flat and unremarkable in every sense of the meaning.
A girl named Alice - whose mother was brutally axe-murdered 20 years prior - is having an Alice in Wonderland themed birthday party with all of her harebrained slut friends. Of course, they simply start getting killed off in your typical masked killer/cliché body count fashion...
I'll admit, I gave up on this shit at about the half-way mark and started organizing my internet fetish porn collection and trying to think up the next great sandwich recipe while I left it on mute. This fucking movie is so agonizingly boring with it's irresponsible lack of nudity, repetitive death scenes, and incredibly hollow plot that I couldn't possibly muster up enough will power to give it my undivided attention. Hell, it's even difficult writing about this shit heap of a movie. "Alice in Murderland" is one to avoid like an A.I.D.S-spitting pack of angry wildebeests!