Doesn't seem like 20 years since this one played in theatres, does it? This is probably my fav werewolf film of 'em all. I guess I just saw it when I was young and the effects and funny elements of the movie stuck with me. I will say that these days I find myself a little disappointed with the final wolf's form, but overall the fx kicks ass. The story is cool enough and has enough humore to get anyone hooked in. Love that nasty zombie ghost friend that keeps returning and warning our lycanthrop. The dream scenes were great and gory as well. Everyone has seen this thing and knows the highlight is that transformation scene. I guess I feel a little cheesy for reviewing this one at all. Sometimes though, greatness gets lost in time & I hope people won't forget this one. Younger fans needing a werewolf fix should quit watching Wolf and see this or The Howling for true full moon madness. Funny how both of these came out close together. Hasn't been much since has it?