Apocalypse & The Beauty Queen (2007)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger
It's several years after "The End of the World" (all the electricity stopped working) and an ex-super model named Amber has set herself up as Queen of a small midwestern town - and she has an army to back up her power. The Queen's boyfriend goes around selecting girls to be her servants, only these servants are soon being found dead. He confides in one of them, the protagonist who he recruites, that the Queen is insane and that she tortures and kills them, sometimes bathing in their blood. Gunnar Hansen (Texas Chainsaw Massacre - the original!) has a role as an old tombstone carver and Debbie Rochon appears for five minutes as some crazy woman.
My biggest problem, other than this trying to be an "art film" and falling utterly flat, is that the lead woman, who is supposed to be this super-model, would in no way ever be that in real life - she's not good looking enough and she's about thirty pounds overweight for that job (I know what I'm talking about here, as I've been editing "Fashion Week" videos for the past fifteen years)). This casting diminished the plausibility of the movie a wee bit.
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