Movie Review by The Undertaker
Yes, it's big, scary spider time once again folks, and as dumb as this movie is, for some reason, it's still entertains. Don't get me wrong, Arachnia is as chessy as a plate of cheap nachos, but it reeks of fun. Maybe the two supremely dumb bimbos finally sharing a tender moment together in bed kept me watching, one of the dumbnamic duo does get naked, thankfully. The spiders looked okay, but it takes forever for the action to really roll. The FX opens a mixed bag of hideous digital, stop-motion, and rubber. This is NO Giant Spider Invasion, that's for sure, or even an Eight-legged Freaks. I'd put Arachnia along the same lines as Spiders 2: Breeding Ground, thought not as good. It was what it was... cheap and fun waste of time.
Rating: 5.5 out of 10.0 - 2 votes cast total