August Underground's Mordum (2003)
Movie Review by The Spastic Cannibal
The second installment in the "August Underground" trilogy takes the pseudo-snuff violence a bit further, but didn't completely 'rock my world' as much as I had hoped. The group of amateur film-making psychos go around killing folks, yet again, in some extremely heinous ways, like you would expect - delivering more grainy, shaky, and all around terrible hand-held video carnage... There's fat chicks getting puked on, a guy forced to castrate himself while his severed dick is used to fuck his girlfriend, and a guy eating the maggots off a dead baby! Pretty much a "hardcore film" fan's dream movie, yet the fake snuff "technique" gets in the way much too often and the "filler" is a bit tedious, though not too prolonged, thankfully. The character interaction goes a bit further with Crusty and her brother Maggot having sex and developing some complications between the two male leads... I didn't care AT ALL about that since "Mordum" contains enough vile content to carry us along; past all that... The effects are great, as usual and the performances are believable... Check this one out if you are conditioned for this kind of "shocking" material...
Rating: 2.8 out of 10.0 - 12 votes cast total