Movie Review by The Undertaker
This 27 minute (thanks god!) short film from Lake Films is part of their Mind Eye series, episode 8 so I'm told and supposedly this has been off to some International film festival & is in negotiations for domestic distribution. To all that I would say why and why, as this film sucks ass on every level including the annoying performance by its leading actress. I'm probably being too hard and unfair since it is after all some shot on video Indy bullshit, but I hate short films (the ideas never quite come to fruition), I hate shit shot on video, and I hate overacting for no good reason, of which I saw no reasons here. Basically, the 'film' is about some goofy bitch that is businesswoman by day & man-hating psycho who dresses like a little girl and fucks up dudes by night. She was abused as a child, parents died in a wreck, Daddy was an asshole...blah, blah, blah, you get the cliched idea. The majority of the 27 minutes is her talking like a baby girl and torturing some guy she has tied to a bed. As if things couldn't get worse, we then find out what we've seen was just part of a movie being shot and that the bitchy actress working on the film is just like the annoying character she was trying to play in the movie. Dumb. Did this idea sound good on paper honestly? I doubt it. At least now, thankfully, I know to avoid anything by Lake Films.
Rating: 2.0 out of 10.0 - 2 votes cast total