Movie Review by The Gravedigger
Despite some bad acting and lines of dialogue that actually made me cringe (the first ten minutes of this movie should just be eliminated), this is a decent little slasher movie well worth checking out, as it's a serial killer movie done right.
A group of friends are accompanying another friend when she visits the grave of her father and they get lost. They go to a nearby house, which happens to be inhabited by a mutated man who wears a burlap sack over his head. He also drags around some toys, like a robot and a button-eyed teddy bear. I found the killing scenes to be suspenseful and realistic, particularly with the ample use of real animal guts. The makeup effects of the baby mutant - and the adult's deformed face - are also a big plus to the production.
If you're a fan of THE HILLS HAVE EYES and TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE (both old & new versions) you will enjoy THE BACKWOODS.
Produced/Written/Directed by Robert Elkins
Rating: 9.0 out of 10.0 - 8 votes cast total