Movie Review by The Undertaker
Another great movie from Mario Bava. Not as grisly as A Bay of Blood, but still a good film. The dank looking castle scenes definetly help out. Elke Sommers tight fitting outfits aren't bad either. Lots of creepy scenes of the Baron stalking around looking for new victims after he is brought back from the dead. Pretty nasty looking face on this sucka too! Do people always have to play around & accidentally resurrect some dead sicko? These nimrods even manage to burn up the paper which would have helped them send said villian back to the grave. Way to go, your invited to my next party, I have an ancient cursed document I need to read aloud. I kinda felt sorry for the baron and wished he'd have found a few more goobers to torturerize. Alas, all good things come to an end, even this movie. Honestly, this movie is very good and I like it the least of the Bava films i've seen, so that shows the man's genius. Watch it!
Rating: 9.0 out of 10.0 - 6 votes cast total