A group of researchers, working on a documentary for a 'Discovery Planet' type cable channel, are trying to proove a theory that Loch Ness used to be a breeding ground for ancient prehistoric beasts. An underwater earthquake happens, an underwater rift opens, and the leader of the group fatally falls in to the crevice, never to be seen again. Just when the group is packing up and ready to leave a new director is hired (Brian Wimmer from CHINA BEACH) and soon after the producer (Lysette Anthony) appears. Of course the director and producer are ex-husband and wife. Anyway, people start disappearing and everone thinks it's 'Nessie' particularly when a monster is spotted. But when the plesiosaur-like Nessie washes up dead on the shore, with a huge bite taken out of her, everyone realizes that it's ANOTHER monster, one that's much much bigger and ferocious. This was a decent movie up until the point where they show this really fake looking sea serpent. Patrick Bergen (HELL'S HIGHWAY) also shows up in the 'Ahab' role, wanting revenge on the creature who killed his son in a boating accident. He paints his face blue like BRAVEHEART (or is the BLUE MAN GROUP?) and goes after the beast. The rest you can guess fairly accurately.