Like all of Austrian filmmaker Michael Haneke's films, "Benny's Video" is very unconventional and oddly disturbing glimpse at an inexplicably troubled individual. I can't can't say this is my favorite of Haneke's films - that I have seen that would have to be "The Piano Teacher", though you can always bank on his flicks completely leading you in unexpected directions...
Benny is a teenager who seems normal enough. He has a respectable collection of film equipment and likes to rent a lot of movies. In particular, one video he finds especially titillating is a pig being shot with a butcher's bolt-pistol. One day, Benny meets a similarly aged girl outside of the video store and invites her back to his place while his parents are out. He shows her around his room, talks her into staying for some dinner, and, eventually, he pulls out the pistol which he swiped from a farmer which results in the girl's agonizing demise. Benny stashes the girl's body and goes about his life for a few days until he sees it fit to show his parents the "incident" that happened to be captured on his video camera. Now, with is folks involved, a plan is hatched for disposing of the body...
"Benny's Video" is a dark and strangely restrained film, unlike Haneke's other works, which I found a bit surprising. Still, the somber mood and performances are all strong. Again, I personally prefer "Cache", "Funny Games" and "The Piano Teacher" as they are considerably more "abrasive" in nature. "Benny's Video" is still one that's worth checking out.