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Big Driver (2014)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger

Big Driver (2014) Tess Thorne (Maria Bello) is a famous mystery author who drives to a book signing out in the country. The woman who organized it tells her of a short cut to get back home--and she gets a flat tire after driving over some nailed boards left on the road. Soon after, a huge guy driving a pickup comes along. At first he's very congenial and helpful--but before he changes the tire he attacks her, drags her into the nearby abandoned gas station and repeatedly rapes her. She looks like she's dead, so he drags her through the forest, down a creek and deposits her body in a big drainage pipe, and leaves. She wakes up, badly beaten and terrified, but crawls out of the water--and over many female corpses that were also hidden there. Yes, the guy is a serial killer.

Rather than go to the police and report the crime she decides to take matters into her own hands because she doesn't want the stigma of being a victim to the public. She goes home and realizes that the woman who gave her the "short cut" directions--and her attack--may be related. She goes back to the town where she had the book signing and does some investigating and finds out the location of the serial killer.

BIG DRIVE is basically the scenario of I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE as told by Stephen King (based on his short story), complete with yet another writer in jeopardy (a la SECRET WINDOW, DARK HALF, BAG OF BONES, et cetera). It's a decent unpleasant horror movie but it is familiar territory.

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