Bigfoot: The Definitive Guide (2011)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger
This is the best documentary I've seen on the phenomenon of Sasquatch and the Yeti. A group of four scientists are presented with all of the the information and make educated guesses as to what this creature may or may not be--and all three arguments are convincing. All the sightings of such a creature are marked on the globe and we are shown the largest concentrations of sightings, which are around the Himalayas and the Pacific Northwest.
One theory proposes that it's an unknown large primate, descended from the prehistoric Gigantopithecus. Which seems to be likely for Yeti and the surrounding creatures that bear identical descriptions. Or it may be a remnant population of early man, such as a giant form of Neanderthal Man, which skeletons show reached over 6.5 feet tall. Or it's the modern day Native American population on the Pacific Coast that still practice shamanism and spend time as "wild men" in the woods.
There are reinactments. One of the better ones is a group of Russian soldiers in the 1920's who think rebels are hiding in a cave--and are attacked by what seems to be a primitive caveman. They kill it and the officer in charge documents all of this in his log. And there are also interviews with credible eyewitnesses. Even the infamous Patterson film is discussed.
When you realize that Gorillas weren't thought to exist until the 1850's--and weren't even studied until the 1920's--- and that recently a new type of ape, a 300 pound Chimpanzee, was found in the Congo, it is plausible that this type of creature may exist. And if it's intelligent, avoids humans and buries its dead, then finding a skull or body would be impossible. If you're interested in Sasquatch this is a must see program.
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