Black Rose Ascension (1975)
Movie Review by The Spastic Cannibal
Quite an unsatisfying entry in the Roman porno genre. Just couldn't get into "Black Rose Ascension" even though it DID toss in a few decent sex scenes that perked me up throughout this dull-as-dishwater flick.
It's pretty much about a sleazy, lying porn director whose star 'actress' is knocked up and wants to quit the 'game'. So the director sets out to find a new piece of meat for his movies in the strangest possible way: by secretly setting up a hidden tape recorder in a dentists office and picking her based on her painful moans. The remainder of the movie is basically him following her around, pressuring her to act in his skin-flix. This chick is THE MOST sexually repressed, prudish bitch on the face of the earth - flip-flopping all over with "yes" and then "no", then "maybe", then "no". The director even offers her a marriage proposal just to get her to fuck on camera...
In the end, there's a long-ass sex scene, then another sex scene, then sex on roller skates, then sex on a glass table. That was all well and good, but I perfer the "rougher" side of the pinku-eiga genre, of which "Black Rose Ascension" did not deliver on. It was all pretty basic and bland and melodramatic. If only the whole thing could've been as erotic as the ending it would have ranked higher among my initial ranking...
Rating: 10.0 out of 10.0 - 2 votes cast total