An interesting movie that uses a heavy metal band to get its evil point across. The point here being that a demon in human form brings his rockin'show to a small town to possess the local youth. Black Roses isn't a super great film, but hell, it's entertaining and has a decent soundtrack if you like metal or 80's hair bands (as I know must of ya do to this day). There were a few cool moments in this thing worth watching. I loved the speaker scene. The concert stuff was a riot and the way the kids go crazy afterwards had me grinnin'. Tina had nice tittys and so did that female demon that slides into the kids room after the show. Luckily in 1988, you could still see tits, blood, demons, and metal in a film. This film is getting harder to find at the local rental stall, so seek it out. There was enough bloody demonized silliness to keep you happy for 90 minutes. Music was courtesy of Lizzy Borden, King Kobra, and a few others. I saw a few nice FX in here too, and not the shitty digital looking crap either. Black Roses also had that all important happy ending. Fin.