Ahh Yes,The 70's! Bell Bottoms, Braless chicks, & Blaxploitation (though I can't see how anybody who gets paid to be in a movie is being exploited, just ask Rudy Ray Moore) were all cool, you dig? Even that jive ass Dracula became a smooth soul brother named Blacula. In all honesty, this movie doesn't really exploit anyone & adds it's own special twist to the vampire legend. Not bloody (especially for a 70's film), but it does have a cool story line. William Marshall gives a very good performance as the african prince cursed to walk the earth as Blacula. He alone is worth watching this film as He adds a touch of class above the what was probably expected. Glad there was a sequel! Wanna have a fun weekend? Watch Blacula, Count Yorga Vampire & the sequels to each! That's a lot of 70's vampires jack. I ain't jivin '