Based on the comic book of the same name, Blade stars Wesley Snipes as half-man, half-vampire. He arrived at this interesting combination after his mother survived an attack from a vampire just long enough to give birth to him. His being a half-breed gives him all of the vampire strengths but none of their weaknesses. He also has the ability to withstand sunlight, giving him the nickname of The Daywalker throughout the vampire world. Because of his mother's untimely demise and his own life-long struggles, Blade harbors resentment towards vampires and has set out to rid the world of them. In his battle against vampires, he encounters a tough bloodsucker by the name of Deacon Frost who has plans of a vampire apocalypse. Along with Blade's skills in the martial arts... he is aided by Whistler (Kris Kristofferson), who is a specialist in weaponry and builds some nifty gadgets for offing the beasts of the night. During a daring rescue, Blade meets a hematologist named Karen... who with her unique knowledge of blood helps them to create a possible cure for his vampirism. I thought this was a very good film, with a good mix of horror and action. From the acting to the production design... this movie was very well done. The special effects were pretty awesome as well as ground breaking in some areas. This is a great start to the trilogy of films in this series and is recommended for fans of action and horror alike.