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Blood Shack (1971)
Movie Review by The Undertaker

Blood Shack (1971) This fun, cheapy by Ray Dennis Steckler will give a few laughs, but no chills. There are a few decent fights and stabbings, but nothing to jump up and shout about. Still, it does have some kinda strange charm that makes you keep watching. Don't ask me why, hahahahaha! A semi-hot looking woman owns a ranch with lot of property. There's an old abandoned house, a shack, a blood shack, on the premises too. Anyone wandering inside gets killed off by a sinister figure with a long saber called 'The Trooper'. It's just like the Iron Maiden song 'The Trooper' as he runs 'em through. Who is that masked man? It ain't the Lone Ranger, but people die pronto once in his old shack. Is it an old Indian spirit? A series of people walk in, never to walk out. The murders are pretty bloodless, but the guy running with that sword put his best effort on screen. There's a sub-plot about a greedy real estate guy trying to get the woman's ranch that does nothing for me. Could he be that masked man? Of course he is, did you think this was original? He's revealed at the final, climactic battle with the hired hand in which both die. The hand warns the lady that the house is haunted by the 150-year old specter of 'The Trooper', and this guy was a phony. Plenty of bad acting, bad fights, and a bad no-see shower scene will leave u dazed. This was (is) the sixty-minute version, and there's a longer one out there somewhere. Blood Shack's fun in a no-budget, drive-in kinda way. It's also called The Chopper.
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