Movie Review by The Gravedigger
To me, this is director Uwe Boll's best movie, but by no means is this a recommendation to see this latest video game to movie adaptation.
Christanna Loken is heroine Rayne, a Dhamphire (biological cross between a vampire and a human) who escapes from her prison at a circus and then starts to kill and feed on vampires rather than humans. Word gets around that she exists, so the king of the vampires, Kagan (Ben Kingsley) sets his vampire henchmen out to kill her, as she poses a threat to his rule (she is also his daughter). A human vampire hunting group led by Vladimir (Michael Madsen) finds her and agrees to let her help them in their quest to defeating Kagan. Kagan, it seems, is in search of three items which will make him truly immortal and indestructable-the eye, rib and heart of a mythical vampire which have been hidden for years.
Michelle Rodriguez (LOST tv series, RESIDENT EVIL) is another one of the vampire hunters and she seems to sleep through her role. Rocker Meat Loaf is great as a depraved vampire named Leonid, who would give Anne Rice's vampires a run for their money.
I'm unfamiliar with the video game-but it seems like this all takes place in some sort of parallel world resembling the middle ages, where vampires and humans frequently come across each other. The script is cliche ridden and has a lot of lame dialogue, the vampires "change" when they get their fangs like in FRIGHT NIGHT or LOST BOYS, and there is plenty of gore, though not with the most realistic special effects.
Again, I say this is Uwe Boll's best movie (how does this joker get work when all his movies get panned so badly?), as I wasn't constantly swearing at the screen or overly using my fast-forward on the remote. Still, this vampire movie is a lot to be desired and is only worth seeing for Loken's performance.
Rating: 6.1 out of 10.0 - 16 votes cast total