Movie Review by The Undertaker
I'm not sure about a whole lotta things in life, but I am sure of one thing, Bloody Murder's the worst summer camp slasher... ever! Being a Friday the 13th rip-off is no crime, there have been plenty of attempts, but being a piss poor one like this has to be breaking some kinda law somewhere. They try and rip-off the mask, have some goofy kid named Jason running around, and offer the worst cast of characters ever assembled in a slasher film. Remember how the old flicks had all the goofy, stereotypical characters, but they were at least funny and/or interesting. This group offers nothing, zip, nada. None of these people look as though they'd spend 5 minutes outside, much less be counselors at some dopey summer camp. Speaking of outside, the wooded area at times looks two steps away from a strip-mall. Real rugged wilderness these folks encounter, about as rugged as the stupid looking killer with the nerdy name of Trevor Morehouse. I got so sick of hearing that damn name throughout the movie I wanted to spit. The only reason I kept watching was to see just how high a level of hatred this thing would produce. It was pretty damn high. However, I think when I rent part 2, I can surpass that level. This movie is good for nothing, it's not even worth a few laughs. Sling it against the wall of your local cockbuster video.
Rating: 4.3 out of 10.0 - 4 votes cast total