This silly thing is funny as hell and proof that not all fifties sci-fi was great. I was thankful hat Elvira and her two buddies hosted this tape, as she makes it even better, especially at the end with here cucumber joke. Now he's one lucky veggie. Anyways, boobs and vegetables aside, this movie will make you roll as nuclear scientist John Agar finds a giant floating brain from outer space in a cave and is soon under its control. This bad brain is called Gor. He wants to control the world and the universe. The new host acts strange and gets a little rough with his old lady during those tender romantic moments. She and a friend soon realize something wrong with her man. They learn the truth at the cave and meet a good brain named Val whose willing to help by taking control of George, the family dog....uh, yeah. The bad brain has a nuclear scientist as his host, the good one has a white German Sheppard. Who will win this battle on intellects? Guess again, Gor's plans get foiled by the end and our world is saved from the floating balloon with goofball eyes. Cheap thrills abound here, but it's not for all tastes.