Movie Review by The Gravedigger
This movie started off well, with an entire trainload of people getting torn up and eaten by these huge prehistoric bugs. The train pulls into the station, the doors open, and out comes all this blood, like with the elevator scene in THE SHINING. But then everything goes downhill, into bad acting and predictability. Angie Everhart (former model) is a scientist who is recruited by an FBI agent (Antonio Sabato Jr.) to investigate the slayings-and she comes up with the theory that the insects have been hibernating for 65 million years, like freeze-dried sea monkeys. Of course, this is all speculation. The head honcho who built the subway system to begin with tries to cover everything up, as to not jeopardize his investment. He gets killed because he's the bad guy. In order to defeat the swarm of giant insects Everhart comes to the conclusion that they have to kill the queen in order to kill them all. Why is there always a Queen insect? Is it because of ALIENS II? As I said, other than the first fifteen minutes this movie really bugged me.
Rating: 3.5 out of 10.0 - 2 votes cast total