A young woman, Kelly Taylor (Briana Evigan), is all set to go to college on her scholarship, which comes to a grinding halt when she discovers her evil stepfather (Garrett Dillahunt of THE ROAD, LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT remake) has taken out all of her money from the bank. Now, she has to look after her autistic little brother, Tommy, because she no longer is able to pay a special school to care for him while she's in school. Furious, she goes back to her stepdad's place and we find out he's starting up a Safari. In fact, in the opening scene he purchases a starved tiger from a circus. There's also a hurricane in the area, so the house in boarded up. When Kelly wakes up she discovers that she and her brother have been boarded into the house--and that someone set the tiger loose inside. So the majority of the movie is them trying to hide from the hungry beast. The movie is extremely suspenseful and the scenes with the tiger totally believable. One of the most harrowing scenes is when she's trying to recover her cell phone from the basement and hides up in a laundry shoot when the cat appears. I was honestly surprised how good this movie is. Highly recommended.