Butterfly Effect 2, The (2006)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger
After his girlfriend (Smallville's Erica Durance) is killed in a car accident (along with two of his friends), Nick (Eric Lively) discovers that he has the ability to change his reality. In the first movie Ashton Kutcher did this by reading his diary-in this sequel he accomplishes this by concentrating on photographs.. The film also ties into the previous one in that it's revealed that he has the same father (but different family) as the Kutcher character. But, alas, the more he tries to change things the worse he makes them, until he comes to the realization that the best thing he can do is to leave his girlfriend alone. Although BE2 is not as intense as the first movie, this time-travel/reality changing flick is decent enough.
Rating: 4.5 out of 10.0 - 11 votes cast total