Movie Review by The Cryptkeeper
Well what can I say about this stinker that The Undertaker did not already spew at ya? Damn this movie was bad. I have not seen the first part but heard it was much better... had to have been. The girl from the first film is in a nuthouse and gets let out to serve as an advisor on a film... a horrible, horrible film. The acting is bad, the story is bad.. even the continuity is bad. The killer is tall the entire time right until the end.. and then all of the sudden.. the killer is short as hell. I mean, it was overly obvious this was not even the same person... they could have at least used the same person as the killer the whole time. The most memorable part of this movie was the slight tingling I had in my left arm while yelling at the friggin screen at this crapola. Leave this one on the shelf.
Rating: 2.0 out of 10.0 - 3 votes cast total