I've always loved this surreal black and white film. It's just too damn creepy and weird. Seen it many times, and I always am left just scratching my head at this wonderful movie. An organist who has survived a car crash seems to be hovering strangely between life and death. She experiences weird hallucinations and is just plain lost in life. The look of this film is awesome, but the strongest element to me is the soundtrack. The incredible organ music sets a creepy tone throughout that is not soon forgotten. All the quirky oddball characters in this movie drive the film along at a nice pace. I loved the horndog boarder that lives across from our heroine. He can't take no for answer and tries so hard to get some where with the lady. When she does finally want him around, he runs like a scalded dog after realizing our lady has some issues. Carnival has its own style and feel not easily duplicated. All you have to do is watch it. You'll never forget it. George Romero credits this movie as an influence for his own classick movie. I doubt this movie would have the same impact if it were in color. Can't put my finger on it, but it's just fuckin' weird. It's always been called a 'cult' film, whatever that means.