Well, Carno 2 doesn't quite measure up to its big brother. It seemed more like a rip-off of Aliens to me with Dinos taking the alien role. A government underground installation has hit a few snags and a group of stereotypical military types are sent in to get it back up and running. Imagine what they find? It's not only a storage unit for those crazy Carnosaurs, but houses old nuclear weapons abandoned after the cold war...groovy. The group creeps around, the facility leader keeps it all a big secret until dinos start killin'. Not much here to jump up and down about, the carnosaurs do look cool, but as with the 1st film, move like marionettes. The one saving grace for part the 2nd is the cool gorey chomp scenes. When the female soldier gets attacked, arm pulled off, intestines unintestined, the film's other problems seem only a bad memory, until like 5 minutes later. Well, at least the few bloody scenes make it watchable and the end fight between forklift and T-rex was kinda cool. This sequel almost put my attention span into extinction.